Monday, January 7, 2013

Day One

Day One. I can remember being a little girl knowing that I would be a physcian. That with my hands, I would help fix people. Sometimes, when you can't fix yourself, fixing others fills that hole. It has been a long, windy, and often broken road that I have travelled that has led me to today - Day One.

Today is the day that I straighten the road and take back the promise of that little girl. Today is the day that I start back down an old path, slowly removing the over grown debris, and blaze a new trail. Today is the day I start down the road of becoming a physician.

I am not sure I can accomplish this goal. I have faultered many times. Once as an eighteen year old. A life altering decision made the goal of college a little bit tougher. Then again, leaving college and chosing a different path. All this time, sitting in my gut, has been a sinking feeling speaking to my mind, saying - "You are on the wrong path."

Today is the day I start back to taking classes and begin studying for the MCAT. I wonder if that phrase, "Three strikes and you're out" is really true. This is my third strike. It is time to swing, and swing big. I am aiming for the fences in center field, channeling my inner Babe Ruth. Come along this journey with me. Encourage me. Hold me accountable. Challenge me.

Through a busy work schedule, a hectic family life, this mom of three is pulling the little girl inside out. I know that I am suppose to be a physcian. This is my Journey.

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