Recently I have been browsing the Internet looking for ideas to cut my family's grocery bill and to better prepare for gardening season 2014. These things go hand in hand. In doing so, I stumbled across several posts discussing the idea of spending around $25 per week. Some of the posts have suggested that this is the amount that folks on food stamps receive. Several of the posts mentioned that the owners of Panera Bread were purposely abiding by the $25 per week amount in order to raise awareness of hunger in the US.
This has really got me thinking. First, I am not sure I believe that a family of four receives only $25 per week in food stamps. It is my understanding that the amount a family receives varies upon the set of circumstances the family experiences. I am not however an expert on this, but that seems reasonable. I intend to make some inquiries on this and report back.
Second, $25 seems challenging if your family is relying solely upon the grocery store. If you are unable to cook from "scratch", it would be difficult or at the very least there would not much variety each week. On the other hand, if you know how to cook from scratch and you have a slightly green thumb, you could easily be successful in achieving this goal. I think you can even achieve a variety of healthy meals for your family. So, I am asking all of you - what do you think you could make for $25 a week? If you found yourself with only $25 to get through the week (let's assume a reasonable pantry), what would you buy and what would you give up?
Hunger is definitely present in our community. But so to is a lack of life skills. Gardening, canning, and home cooking have somehow gotten lost in our modern society filled with gadgets. I would like to suggest we fight to bring those skills back.
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