Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Struggling with Balance

Returning to school as a mother of three, a wife, an active community member, and a well rounded individual has been hard. I have a real life. I have board meetings, committee meetings, sick kids, football games, cheerleading competitions, and travel softball games to make. I try to visit my grandparents, my great Aunt, my friends and I work hard at my marriage. In the midst of my real life enters Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Cellular Biology, and Psychopharmacology. While I am the kind of person that actually enjoys school, sometimes I find myself making choices between talking to my husband about his day and studying for Organic Chemistry's infamous NMR and IR spectra.

Fortunately for me, I have a great support system. Everyone is rooting for me to succeed. Even my little ones, who recently spent Columbus Day at college with their mom. Getting a six and seven year old to sit quietly for three hours is an accomplishment. Getting them to sit through three hours of Biochem, O-Chem and Psychopharm without a bathroom break is just miraculous. It really put things into perspective for me. Not only am I making those choices of where, what and how to spend my time - my children are learning the very same lesson. This journey to Medical School certainly has not been easy or quick, but the lessons I am teaching my children remind me how important it is that I reach this goal.

I hope this provides you with a bit of inspiration on your journey as a non-traditional student.


  1. You're doing great!!! It gets tough when you are always running out of hours!
